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Champagne & celebrations: we are here for you!

During the celebrations, champagne is invited everywhere: as an aperitif, as a dessert or throughout the meal, it fits with a multitude of culinary pleasures! 

Not an expert and want to make the right choices? As experts from our region and partners of Maisons de champagne or small producers, we will be able to advise you. 

A brief overview with the example of a wedding:


About quantity…

Afraid to miss D-Day? Don’t hesitate, here are some figures that should help you: 

  • 1 bottle of 75cl = 6-7 flutes 
  • At the wine of honor, the guests take about 2 cups each, so count 1 bottle for 3 people 
  • For dessert, count one bottle for 5-6 people.

Do not hesitate to take a few extra bottles for the amateurs who can for example accompany the meal with champagne rather than wine.

 Little tip: Dare the magnum! Indeed it represents the equivalent of 2 standard bottles, it makes a strong impression, and the aromas of champagne in magnum are only better.


A specific champagne for each moment.

Just like wine, the food & champagne pairing exists. Each champagne has its specificity, its aromas and acidity that will perfectly accompany the dishes served.

  • Aperitif and wines of honor: favor the champagnes not vintage, with if possible a blend based on Chardonnay, and type Extra-brut/Brut. Their freshness and lightness will be perfect for this moment of conviviality, of exchanges

Suggestion : Yann Alexandre Brut Noir

  • Meals: Champagne can also be enjoyed throughout the meal, especially if seafood or white meat are on the menu. Choose a more «full-bodied» champagne for this part, a Blanc de Noirs (champagne composed only of black clusters namely Meunier or Pinot noir) is a good choice because its power will allow it not to fade in favor of the dishes, the better it will balance them!

Suggestion : Guy Méa Belle de Noirs 

  • To accompany entremets or other mounted pieces, opt for a more sweet champagne such as a semi-dry (a brut champagne so little sweet will seem too acidic) or fruity as a rosé champagne.

Suggestion : Guy Méa Rosé


Where to by my champagne ?

When making your selection, it’s all about taste… and budget of course! 

You can quite turn to champagnes from Grandes Maisons recognized around the world. But this will add a bit of note!

This is why we advise you to favor small producers, their cuvées compete perfectly with those of the Houses and you can exchange directly with the producers themselves, passionate winemakers who often work in family.

Their prices are often sweeter, enough to fit into your budget while enjoying quality champagnes. 

Whatever the producer or Maison, we advise you to vary them: each producer has its identity and often a flagship champagne, an area of expertise. For example, in the selection below, the Salmon family specializes in champagne based on Meunier, when the Lancelot family is an expert on chardonnay and only produces chardonnay. Finally the Méa family produces a fresh rosé champagne or a powerful black white based on Pinot noir:


Trust us !

You can trust us with your marriage:

  • We are experts of our region and know perfectly all the producers and cuvées that we propose to you. A majority of small family productions, because it seems important to us to support these true craftsmen of the sector. 
  • To refine your selection, we can prepare a box of 3 or 6 different champagnes to compare styles from home!
  • All champagnes are offered at producer prices, perfect for your budget! We will even concoct a special offer for this unique event.


Want to learn more before the big Day?

If you want to discover the reverse of the decor by coming to Champagne, we have something to satisfy you! 

During a getaway, come visit our cellars and meet our partner producers, who will make you discover their know-how.  If you have less time, opt for a virtual guided tour, an option to fill up on knowledge without moving from home.

During these guided experiences, your local expert will be able to guide you as to the choice of your champagnes, this can be the occasion to taste some champagnes in order to make your selection. So much reason to trust us as experts of our region!

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